Monday, August 3, 2009

First Post

It's 11:36 am and I am still in my pjs in bed listening to Camera Obscura and avoiding cleaning my room. I'm not a very good writer and I've never had a Blog before.. so we shall see how this goes.

I'm not feeling my best right now, nor am I looking it either haha.
Here is what I need-
1. Energy, energy, energy!
2. a shower
3. breakfast
4. to clean my room
5. do laundry
6. do the dishes
7. take the trash out
8. go to the bank
9. make flash cards
10. find a good book to read
11. take my car to the dealership
12. wash and clean my car
13. update my ipod
14. vacuum
15. buy new sheets
16. clean kitty litter box
17. Go get my hair trimmed
18. get my printer cord from mario
19. scan pictures
20. get off the computer!

Btw..this is me=

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